
Thursday, March 10, 2011

I was of three minds, Like a tree In which there are three blackbirds.

"...Revolving door. The garbage barge at the bridge. Earth science. Resemblance...
Write this down in a green notebook. Silverfish, potato bugs. A tenor sax is a weapon.
What I want is the gray-blue grain of western summer. Mention sex.
The nurse, by a subtle redistribution of weight, shift of gravity's center,
moves in front of the student of oriental porcelain in order to more rapidly board the bus.
Awake, but still in bed, I listen to cars pass, doors, birds, children are day's first voices.
A cardboard box of wool sweaters on top of the bookcase to indicate Home. Attention is all.
A day of rain in the middle of June."
Ketjak, by Ron Silliman

Okay so, I know this blog is a little poetry heavy so far...but it's what I've been completely inundated with for the last couple of weeks. Please bear with me, because poetry makes me feel like every day I'm able to stumble onto some great new understanding of life, even if it's just for the tiniest moment. That's pretty cheesy, but try reading Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird (Wallace Stevens), and then maybe you'll understand.

Today is really icky and rainy and I think everyone is just walking around praying for summer to get here...Bellingham can be such a tease, because when it gets nice here it is absolutely beautiful (as it was a couple of days this week, but now we have been plunged back into the gloomy disgusting winter). But at least I've gotten a substantial amount of my finals work out of the way and the meeting I had this morning with my Poetry Workshop professor went well (look for some new poems by me in the next weeks!). Now to write my 12-page paper on a dying language of South America......hooray....!

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