
Friday, April 1, 2011

Rain, rain, go away

I walk
flowing with something
and do not
-Araki Yasusada (undated)

Well, aside from the fact that it has rained so much lately that there are literal ponds and streams appearing all over campus, "syllabus week" (although, it's been a while since I've actually had one of those) has been pretty successful. I'm already definitely excited for my poetry seminar & living writers classes...and although my Avant Garde Lit teacher whispers and speaks with a slight lisp, I guess you can never have it all your way. Maybe his apparent shortcomings as a teacher are some kind of Dadaist rejection of traditional education. Or something.

And although I'm still trying to get over the nastiest cold EVER, my horoscope seems to think I just need to stop worrying about it and enjoy my 'relative health' so I'm going to try and do just that this weekend. Prospects are good that T. will be up visiting from Carnation tomorrow, and if I'm lucky I may persuade the elusive R. (who, though hard to get a hold of, does have beautiful hair) to join her as well. Unfortunately I will probably spend Sunday attempting to be a dilligent english student...reading about 3 million pages from my Avant Garde source book and half of Doubled Flowering (which the poem above comes from). Perhaps I'll go get some of that done now, it seems like just the kind of day for a mug of tea and big thick textbook.

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